by Rich Blood | Feb 27, 2025 | Blog, Pepper Myths And Misinformation, Spicy, Traveling the World in Search of Peppers
Ají Charapita peppers, red and yellow, served with lime wedges at a restaurant in Iquitos, Peru—hardly the stuff of $25,000-a-kilo luxury. In 2014, I roamed Peru’s Belén Market in Iquitos, grabbing handfuls of Ají Charapita—pea-sized chilis bursting with citrusy...
by Rich Blood | Dec 11, 2019 | Blog, Botany, Ecology, Traveling the World in Search of Peppers
Capsicum Eshbaughii Bolivia’s Endangered Wild Pepper In the remote landscapes of Bolivia, I have rediscovered an endangered pepper species. The elusive Capsicum eshbaughii, named after renowned botanist Dr. William Eshbaugh. This species offers a glimpse into...